NEWS RELEASE (#2020-01) | PDF version (89KB)
The IDBF is continuing to monitor news and developments of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).
With a number of international sporting events being cancelled or under review, teams have been seeking information on whether the Club Crew World Championships (CCWC) will go ahead or not in France later this year in August.
As of today, the Championships will take place as scheduled. However, the IDBF in coordination with the French Authorities and event organiser will keep a close watch on the situation and will inform crews at the earliest opportunity of any decision regarding CCWC. The IDBF will follow any decisions made by the French Authorities concerning the need to restrict movement of people.
In the meantime we recommend everyone to follow the World Health Organisation’s advice on basic protective measures against the new coronavirus.
If you have any concerns about the coronavirus, please contact your national and local public health authority. For travel advice, please contact your national government body for the latest advisories and updates.
We are hopeful the issue will improve as the weather warms.
Mike Thomas
IDBF President
International Dragon Boat Federation
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