In this edition Message from our President Mike Thomas. The Macau International Dragon Boat Race was live streamed on IDBF's Facebook page, bringing the spirit of dragon boat racing to paddlers. The IDBF Youth Commission recently reconvened under...
Latest News
Longzhou Newsletter June 2020 (Issue 3 Vol 3)
Celebrating 25 years - 1st IDBF World Dragon Boat Championships, Yueyang, China 慶 祝 2 5 年 來 ⾸ 屆 國 際 ⿓ ⾈ 錦 標 賽 中 國 岳 陽 Welcome to a very special edition of Longzhou News. We celebrate the 25th anniversary of the 1st IDBF World Dragon Boat...
Longzhou Newsletter April 2020 (Issue 2 Vol 3)
In this Edition... A Message from our President Mike about these extraordinary time of uncertainty and concern. The newly redesigned Recognised Festival Program aims to promote dragon boat festivals around the world that meets IDBF's tiered...
Longzhou Newsletter February 2020 (Issue 1 Vol 3)
In this Edition... Vale Dave Cogswell. We pay tribute to Dave who was an integral part of the global sport for almost 40 years. AIMS was recently voted into becoming a member of the IOC. Find out what it means for our dreams of dragon boating in...
LongZhou Newsletter December 2019 (Issue 3 Vol 2)
In this Edition... Mike Thomas shares some of his memories of the major events from this year. IDBF has established an Athletes' Commission to serve as a link between athletes and the federation to ensure athletes remain at the heart of dragon boat...
LongZhou Newsletter – Oct19 – Issue 2 Vol 2
In this Edition... President Mike Thomas discusses the relationship between IDBF and ICF in dragon boating. We look at the 'fastest times' recorded at IDBF championships over the past decade. Paddler profiles - how some of our top athletes got...
LongZhou Newsletter – July 2019 – Issue 1 Vol 2
It's been a while! LongZhou is back with a new look and new format! Catch up on the latest dragon boat news from around the world including World Nations in Thailand and dragon boat events from Asia, Europe, Pan America and Oceania. There's also a...
The Long Zhou – eNews – 2nd Edition
Here is the second edition of the Long Zhou News, the official eNews of the IDBF. This eNews will be published bimonthly bringing you the latest updates from the IDBF. To consult the Long Zhou - eNews, click here: Long Zhou-eNews-#2 To contribute...
The Long Zhou – eNews
Welcome to the first edition of The Long Zhou News, the official eNews of the IDBF. It is anticipated that this eNews will be published bimonthly bringing you the latest updates from the IDBF. To consult the Long Zhou - eNews, click here: Long...