Read the February 2021 issue >> In this edition Lunar new year wishes from our President, Mike Thomas Launch of the 30th Anniversary logo Welcome RegattaSport as our official merchandiser 30th Anniversary Photo Competition International...

Read the February 2021 issue >> In this edition Lunar new year wishes from our President, Mike Thomas Launch of the 30th Anniversary logo Welcome RegattaSport as our official merchandiser 30th Anniversary Photo Competition International...
NEWS RELEASE (#2021-01) The IDBF today announced its partnership with RegattaSport as their official supplier of licensed merchandise. This year marks the 30th Anniversary of the formation of the IDBF in 1991 as the world governing body of dragon...
Topic: How Dragon Boating Can Emerge Stronger from the COVID-19 Crisis? Special guest speakers Dr. Raffaele Chiulli, President of Sport Accord and GAISF Stephan Fox, President of Alliance of Independent Recognised Members of Sport Mike Thomas,...
The United Through Sports (UTS) is hosting the 2020 Virtual Youth Festival (VYF) to bring young athletes around the world to compete together during this time of the COVID pandemic. The IDBF's participation will be organized by the IDBF's Youth...
Celebrating 25 years - 1st IDBF World Dragon Boat Championships, Yueyang, China 慶 祝 2 5 年 來 ⾸ 屆 國 際 ⿓ ⾈ 錦 標 賽 中 國 岳 陽 Welcome to a very special edition of Longzhou News. We celebrate the 25th anniversary of the 1st IDBF World Dragon Boat...
Following the announcement last week regarding the decision on the 12th IDBF Club Crew World Championships (CCWC) in Aix-les-Bains (France), a number of questions were asked by athletes via email and on social media. To help address these...
NEWS RELEASE (#2020-06) | PDF version (135KB) An IDBF Council meeting was held on Friday, 1 May 2020 to consider the effects of COVID-19 on our future championships. The IDBF Council unanimously decided that: The 12th IDBF Club Crew World...
NEWS RELEASE (#2020-05) | PDF version (120KB) I hope that you are all well and continue to stay safe. The IDBF Executive has been meeting weekly to address a number of significant impacts brought on by the global outbreak of COVID-19. With the...
NEWS RELEASE (#2020-04) | PDF version (68KB) The IDBF Executive continues to meet regularly to discuss the possible rescheduling of championships in the current program. At this stage, no date has been set for when the next Club Crew World...
In this Edition... A Message from our President Mike about these extraordinary time of uncertainty and concern. The newly redesigned Recognised Festival Program aims to promote dragon boat festivals around the world that meets IDBF's tiered...
NEWS RELEASE (#2020-03) | PDF version (68KB) After extensive consultation, the IDBF with the Fédération de Dragon Boat for France (FDB) and the Organising Committee have agreed that this year’s CCWC will not be held in 2020. The main reason behind...
NEWS RELEASE (#2020-02) | PDF version (127KB) Since our last statement on the COVID-19 virus, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared the virus a pandemic and has now stated that the epicentre of the virus, outside of China, is now in...